Wednesday, March 19, 2008

How Sweet It Is

It was Micah's turn to be junior chef tonight. He was working very hard and quite independently with the spaghetti sauce. He begins to converse with a big smile. Micah says, "I am going to cook every night for my wife when I get married. Oh and she is going to be a Christian too. I am also going to make sure I leave her money every day when I leave and then I am going to buy her a ten bedroom house!" Mom says, "Wow Micah! You said you are going to cook every night right?" He says, "Well, every night that I am not playing Goalie at a match!" He was so excited and sincere. He also added something about giving me lots of money! :)

I wanted to make sure I wrote this all down. It is now in writing. I am trying to sow good seed for my future daughter in-law! :)


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey the kids have sure grown, but put some newer ones on your blog. I will send you some of our newer ones. How are the Guns? Still in TX???