Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter Egg Decorating

I actually have not decorated eggs in the last few years; this year we were having a contest for egg decorating at our home school group, so egg decorating it was! We cannot get the dyes over here, but a friend suggested paint as an alternative and I loved it. I liked it better than the dyes and the eggs came out so much more vibrant. We will prep a little more next year on exactly what we want to do before we start.

Egg decorating has come a long way since I was a child (now I sound old). :) People are making flying Superman's, funny people, and lots of other random things out of their eggs. We did make a good attempt at an angel, a royal egg, a pirate, and Humpty Dumpty, but as I said before, we will prep a bit more with our ideas next year.

** Above are the before pictures

* And now the after:

Audrey won 'best egg' for her age group with her angel egg

Josiah spent a lot of time getting his royal egg right.
Good job for pressing on!
Micah love his pirate egg and so did I.

Max won 'best egg' in his age group for his green egg

Zoe was down for a nap while we were decorating, so did not have any eggs to show.
That did not bother her though, when she saw me taking photos of Max with his eggs
she grabbed someone elses eggs and jump right in front of the camera. My little photo bug!

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